“My Ex’s Dad Said, ‘Hey Sexy,’ To Me”: People Are Sharing Their In-Law Horror Stories And I Am Taking Them To Internet Court


“When I was 18, I took these weight loss pills that worked wonders. My boyfriend (at the time) told his mom about them and she asked if she could buy some off of me. So, I gave her $300 worth of pills and told her to give me the money the next time I saw her. Weeks went by, and she never paid me.

Well, one day, my boyfriend, his mom, and I are sitting in the kitchen and I casually bring it up. She claims she gave him $300 to give to me. He claims that she never gave him $300. They both start arguing/yelling at each other and I’m just sitting there in silence. Then, my boyfriend’s father walks in (he just got home from work) and my boyfriend’s mother suddenly bursts into tears. She tells him that my boyfriend and I are ‘accusing her of taking pills’ that it’s ‘all a lie’ that we’re ‘trying to take money from her’ etc. My boyfriend’s father just stood there, stunned. He asked me to wait out on the porch, so I do. About 15 minutes later, he comes out and asks me point blank, ‘did my wife buy $300 worth of weight loss pills from you or no?’ and I said ‘yes.’ Then, he hands me a check for $300 and is like, ‘just an FYI, my wife doesn’t have money. It’s all my money. I own and pay for everything in this family.'” —u/pbd1996