Award Yourself…No, Literally — I Made A Trophy Generator So You Can Award Yourself For The Things You Want Praise For

Please Award Yourself With This Trophy Generator

My laundry is in the garage, and I always forget to put my clothes in the dryer because I don’t see it and can’t hear it. Not yesterday! I washed my clothes, then thought a little later, “I wonder how much time is left?” It buzzed it was done while I was opening the door to look! Anyway, I was proud of myself that I remembered, and I honestly wanted a little treat. SO, I made myself an AI trophy generator. Now, we can make awards all the time! Here are 14 things I think deserve awards, then at the bottom, you can make your own!


Remembering to get your clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer before they get the old water smell.


Making food after work instead of ordering out:


Or finding a DoorDash coupon code on the internet that works even though you aren’t a new customer:


Getting an oil change before the time is up on the sticker:


Holding your pee for the entire duration a cat sleeps on your lap:


Actually going to sleep instead of saying you’re going to sleep and then spending two hours scrolling on your phone:


Having no expired spices in your pantry:


Wearing sunscreen, even if you aren’t going to the beach:


Finishing an entire tube of Chapstick without losing it:


Holding onto a bottle when there’s only a trash can so you can recycle it later, then actually recycling it later:


Cleaning a weird spot in your house like the baseboards or above the cabinets:


Remembering the name of someone you’ve only met once:


Finally, eating an avocado in the 28 second-window that it’s ripe:

Now it’s your turn. What little accomplishment do you think we all deserve a trophy for? Make your best trophy in the trophy generator below and share it in the comments!