Spanish TV Star Uses Late Son’s Sperm for Surrogate Baby

Spanish TV star Ana Obregón claims she used her late son’s sperm for the conception of her adopted baby, who was born via surrogate.

NBC News reports that the baby, who is two weeks old as of publishing, was born via a Cuban woman from Miami, Fla.

The Bolero star revealed her adopted daughter is actually her granddaughter and was conceived using her late son’s frozen semen.

“This girl isn’t my daughter, but my granddaughter. If that was my son’s last will and testament, how could I not do it?” Obregón told ¡Hola! magazine.

Obregón’s only child, Aless Lequio, died from cancer in May 2020. He was 27.

However, the surrogacy has caused an uproar in Obregón’s native Spain where, according to NBC News, all forms of surrogacy are illegal — including the “altruistic” kind, where no money is exchanged.

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Irene Montero, Minister of Equality of Spain, has called surrogacy “a form of violence against women.”

Montero has also claimed surrogacy plays into “poverty bias,” particularly when women are forced into surrogacy for financial reasons.

Speaking to ¡Hola!, Obregón explained that the process behind surrogate pregnancy is not seen as a taboo in the U.S.

“People here are open-minded, but in Spain, my God, we are in the last century,” she said.

Obregón added she has not ruled out having more children in the future.

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