Shakira Says We Need to Take Coronavirus Crisis Seriously: 'The Virus Is Too Fast & Leaders Are Too Slow'

While the coronavirus continues spreading worldwide, Shakira has taken a minute of her time to speak up about the consequences and what the government and people can do to help stop the virus’ growth.

On Friday (March 20), the Colombian singer headed to social media to post an educational video about  COVID-19. “Many countries are either not following the recommendations of the World Health Organization or are being too slow taking measures or they are prioritizing the economy over health,” Shakira warns in the video,

She continues: “My experience over the past few weeks living in Europe is that the virus is too fast and the leaders are way too slow.” Shakira — who has also been a spokesperson for UNICEF — recommends that all countries should work together with WHO in a coordinated worldwide plan to prevent the growth of the virus in countries that only have a few cases.

See Shakira’s full video and also learn how we can help stop the pandemic.


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Basic protective measures against the novel coronavirus, according to WHO, include washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. For more information about COVID-19 visit the WHO or CDC websites.
