People Who Thought They Found “The One,” Only To End Up Single Again, Are Sharing Their Stories


“I married my older high school boyfriend. He ignored me, cheated on me, isolated me. There was verbal, emotional, and mental abuse. We moved back home after his contract with the army was up. He left shortly after to attend a short-term school in another state. I met someone at a bar when I was blackout drunk, and when I woke up, I knew he was special. We had exchanged numbers that night, and after that…it was crazy.”

“I emotionally cheated, but never physically until my husband and I were separated. I moved out of state with him, and thought I was living my dream. I was with an incredible guy, he got me out of my tiny hometown…but he did the same things my ex husband did. But worse. A lot worse. Violence, threats, animal abuse. financial manipulation, stalking, and kicking my doors in when I wouldn’t let him in. One day, he ghosted me when I was at work. When I came back to our apartment, nearly everything was gone. Whatever. It sucked for a while, but I felt stronger for it.”
