Adults Are Sharing The Serious Topics They Wish Others Would Pay Attention To And We Should All Be Taking Notes


“Basic food safety.”

“A lot of people fall prey to the logical fallacy of, ‘well, I’ve done (insert super unsafe thing here) a bunch, and I’ve never gotten sick, what’s the big deal?’, failing to realize that it’s not that a bad thing is super likely, so much that if it DOES happen, it can be catastrophic.

I’m living proof. I went almost three decades of being cavalier about a lot of food safety things, and as the kids say, I f*cked around and found out. One bad bout of food poisoning is all it took to cause digestive tract damage that I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life, and it can be debilitating during even a moderate flareup.

Don’t tempt fate, y’all. Cook your food to a safe temperature, keep things cold that need to be cold, wash your hands, and be careful about cross-contamination. You might be fine if you don’t, or you might also regret it for the rest of your life.”
