18 TV And Movie Moments That Tried To Be Serious But Ended Up Hilariously Wrong

Serious TV And Movie Scenes That Turned Out Hilarious

Screenplays and teleplays are often crafted with a vision for a dramatic moment, but sometimes, the final product doesn’t turn out quite as planned. Sometimes, a serious moment is botched, leaving the audience laughing.

Here are 19 TV & movie scenes that are meant to be serious, but are accidentally hilarious:


“Harry, did you put your name in the goblet of fire?” Dumbledore asked (not) calmly.


I have to watch a villainous Cats musical number with a naked MacCavity.


Javert’s death should be a heart-breaking moment, but it crashes and drowns in Les Miserables.


Hereditary makes us combust with laughter.


Brad Pitt gets hit by two cars in Meet Joe Black, and I’m pretty sure I can hear the Looney Tunes theme playing.


Degrassi presents us with the concept of “whore tears.”

These are just my opinions, of course, but there’s gotta be a dramatic TV or movie scene that unintentionally made you chuckle. Comment below and explain why the scene made you laugh!