28 Truth Bombs Dropped That Made People Realize They Were Dating Monsters


“I found a book of poetry he had written hidden on his (28-year-old) side of the bed about his 19-year-old female coworker he had become friends with. He wrote about ‘her beautiful grey eyes.’ My eyes are green. I had been paying for all our living expenses for over a year, and we had just returned from a Valentine’s Day trip, which I, again, paid for myself. I gathered all his stuff together while he was at work and kicked him out the same day. I also highlighted the particularly damning parts of the journal in case he was confused about why I was mad. He said because he hadn’t done anything physical, he thought it ‘didn’t count’ as cheating. But he wasn’t in a relationship with me realistically. He was in a fantasy relationship with her. I was just his meal ticket.”
