GOD's 'God IV – Revelation' Is a Towering Feat of Theologically-Tinged Prog Metal (album stream)

For the past several years, GOD has existed as one of the most cryptic and fascinating instrumental projects in modern progressive/black metal. Virtually nothing has ever been revealed about the real-life players or behind-the-scenes circumstances. All that is known is the mission of their sonic creations: to “consider Him, as well as your life and death, through the power of music”. The prior three albums—all of which are completely free to own and absorb—have done a wonderful job of conveying the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of life through atmospheric soundscapes, complexly aggressive arrangements, and the like. Naturally, GOD IV – Revelation is no exception, as it adds another two hours of beautifully chaotic and life-affirming instrumentation to the catalog. Honestly, it’s likely the most wide-ranging, striving, and profound journey yet, and you can experience every moment of it below.

According to the creator(s), the music is made using “three types of bass guitar, one hybrid, and a variety of electric and acoustic guitars”. Rather than connote any delusions of grandeur, they call themselves GOD as a means of “inception, where a small idea propagates into a powerful concept in one’s mind”. Beyond that, the endeavor aims to release over 30 albums before it finishes, all the while embodying the notion that to understand and live by the faith, one must read the Bible intently. As you’d expect, GOD IV – Revelation is based on the Book of Revelations (one track for each chapter), so it takes listeners through several incidents and locations, including “the fall of Lucifer, to the depths of hell and the abyss… to judgment and absolute death in the Lake of Fire… and finally to eternity itself”.